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Ketamine powder per gram



Ketamine is used by medical practitioners and veterinarians as an anaesthetic. It’s sometimes used illegally by people to get high.

Ketamine is a dissociative drug, which means it acts on different chemicals in the brain to produce visual and auditory distortion, and a detachment from reality.

When it’s sold illegally, ketamine usually comes as a white or off-white powder. It can also be made into pills, or dissolved in a liquid.1

Clinical trials and studies are assessing ketamine as a treatment for depression. Early indications show good results.2

Other names

Special K, K, ket, kitkat, super k or horse trank.3,4

Other types of dissociatives

How is it used? can be swallowed, snorted or injected. It’s also sometimes smoked with cannabis or tobacco. The effects of ketamine may be experienced within one minute if injected, 5–15 minutes if snorted, and up to 30 minutes if swallowed. Its effects can last for around an hour, however an individual’s coordination or senses may be affected for up to 24 hours after initial use.4

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