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Cocaine 1 pound

This is uncut and it would make you more gains because it’s really cool and this is the type you are looking for.

Some street names for coke or cocaine

  • Apache
  • Big C
  • Blonde
  • Blow
  • Candy
  • Florida Snow
  • Love Affair
  • Mexican Percocet
  • Scottie
  • White Girl
  • Zip

$25,000.00 $20,800.00


Buy Cocaine Online | Cocaine For Sale | Cocaine Online


coke cocaine one pound of cocaine  or coke price gets better with quantity so we can push kilos upon kilograms so let us know if you need more pounds  text us via our number to get a cool discount on kilos

Cocaine for sale, iѕ a ѕtimulаnt drug dеrivеd frоm соса рlаnt lеаvеѕ. It еnhаnсеѕ thе еffесtѕ оf a brаin сhеmiсаl саllеd dораminе, lеаding tо a ѕеnѕе оf inсrеаѕеd еnеrgу аnd роwеr. Thе inсrеаѕеd imрасt оf dораminе аlѕо саuѕеѕ thе еuрhоriс аnd рlеаѕurаblе ѕеnѕаtiоn оf a “high” оn сосаinе.
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                                        Cocaine uses in medicine


    The history of cocaine is charted with specific reference to its usefulness as a medicine and local anesthetic. It is common knowledge that coca leaves were used as a panacea and local anesthetic throughout the history of the Incan Empire of Peru.

In Europe, however, its medical usefulness was not fully recognized until Carl Koller used it to anesthetize the cornea of the eye. Over the next 20 years, cocaine became a popular medicine and tonic in Europe and America, where it was credited with curing a wide variety of diseases and illnesses.

However, reports soon started to appear claiming that cocaine was a drug with a high social abuse potential and in America it seemed to underpin growing crime figures. As a result, cocaine was misclassified as a narcotic and its use was restricted to specific surgical procedures and medicinal preparations.

Today, cocaine and its derivatives are still popular local anesthetics in operations of the ear, nose and throat and it is also used in a preparation given to alleviate the pain (physical and mental) of terminal diseases. Although cocaine has a high public profile as a drug of addictive potential, this drug has also had a long and distinguished history as a medicine and local anesthetic. The legitimate uses of cocaine exacerbate the problems of controlling this substance of abuse and should provide a stimulus for generating local anesthetics that lack addictive potential.


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cocaine a ball

$380.00 $330.00
(1 Review)
Cocaine for sale, top quality high purity, and 95 plus, no speed just that pure for you, uncut. Best coke best price , the best cocaine, Cocaine is a stimulant drug, which means that it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and he rest of the body.

Cocaine 14 grams

$1,400.00 $1,100.00
(1 Review)


(0 Reviews)
Cocaine is an illegal stimulant that speeds up the workings of the brain. The person using it feels euphoric because cocaine taps into the brain’s chemical reward system.

Cocaine 28grams

$2,100.00 $2,000.00
(1 Review)

Cocaine 1 pound

$25,000.00 $20,800.00
(0 Reviews)
This is uncut and it would make you more gains because it’s really cool and this is the type you are looking for. Some street names for coke or cocaine
  • Apache
  • Big C
  • Blonde
  • Blow
  • Candy
  • Florida Snow
  • Love Affair
  • Mexican Percocet
  • Scottie
  • White Girl
  • Zip

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